These Unusual Days of Grief

These are hard times. These are painful times. Sadness and grief seem to grow with each passing week. For some, loss has become more of a constant companion than a stranger just passing through. For others, we find ourselves weeping with those who weep and mourning with those who mourn. And then there are those... Continue Reading →

Parenting Like our Father

"You have given me the shield of your salvation, and your right hand supported me, and your gentleness made me great."  Psalm 18:35 David said these words about and to the Lord, and they should be words we echo in praise, as well. By means of application, we should also pray that we are found faithful... Continue Reading →

Parenting with Three Goals in Mind

These coming weeks, many of us will see a lot more of our children than we normally do as the Coronavirus makes its way through the United States, closing schools for weeks (or more!). Acts 20 has some wonderful encouragements for parents that come to us through the pen of Paul and the mouth of... Continue Reading →

Not an Event but a Process

Last week we looked at the reality that we can’t take our kids where we have not first gone ourselves. We can’t expect from them what we are not pursuing and modeling with our own lives. But there is another caution I would add…another encouragement I want to share. When our kids do begin to... Continue Reading →

Mothering Madness

March Madness is just around the corner. It’s one of the only times I watch basketball and I love it. The basketball is not only fast-paced and exciting, but the upsets are crazy! There is a reason it’s called “madness” and, in this case, the madness makes it fun! 🙂  I couldn’t help but think... Continue Reading →

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