A Vacation for the Mind

When I am at home it can be very hard to relax. For some of you, that might make no sense at all…but for a few of you women, this statement might ring especially true. I see my home as my “domain”, as my responsibility and my stewardship. My eyes are always looking around me... Continue Reading →

From Creation to 2021

I am so thankful for a variety of Bible reading plans that, through the motivation of the Holy Spirit, have helped keep me accountable to read through the Scriptures each year for almost two decades. There is an excitement and delight to read through the same texts, year after year, knowing that because the Word... Continue Reading →

Water and the Word

As each year ticks by, I am learning that I can’t eat the way I used to. Apparently, a diet that consists largely of carbs and dessert is not only not the healthiest but tends to make for tight clothes. I guess there are some that intentionally buy clothes that are tight, but that has... Continue Reading →

Words and The Word

It has been a painful week. My grandpa passed away last Wednesday after battling through pneumonia and a major heart attack a month ago. Two weeks ago, in the midst of it all, my Grammy had a stroke that rendered her unable to use her right arm and, tragically, unable to communicate with words. I... Continue Reading →

Recommended Reading

"Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written." John 21:25 As a book lover, this verse always puts a smile on my face. It shows the mind-blowing depth of the... Continue Reading →

The Bible and Swiss Cheese

"Lord, be gracious to us! We wait for You. Be our strength every morning and our salvation in time of trouble."  Isaiah 33:2 Do you ever read Scripture as if it was like Swiss Cheese? Yummy goodness with random holes here and there. How easy it is to pick and choose the parts we immediately resonate... Continue Reading →

Daily Discipline

Last week, I wrote about Dependent Discipline and the need we have to examine the “why” in regards to our desire to be disciplined in various areas of our lives. We cannot pursue discipline as an end in itself, but we must seek to be fully dependent on the Lord so that He might be... Continue Reading →

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