Words and The Word

It has been a painful week. My grandpa passed away last Wednesday after battling through pneumonia and a major heart attack a month ago. Two weeks ago, in the midst of it all, my Grammy had a stroke that rendered her unable to use her right arm and, tragically, unable to communicate with words. I... Continue Reading →

Seasons of Change

“There is an occasion for everything, and a time for every activity under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 I’m so thankful for the actual seasons that God has given to remind us of this eternal truth! Of course, my husband would argue that the seasons are a part of the curse. As he will tell you, when... Continue Reading →

The Only Graduation that Matters

Yesterday afternoon, Samuel and Faith walked across a stage and officially graduated from James Valley Christian School. Their courses and work were completed almost two months ago…but there is something to be said about a walk across a stage or field, a handshake from the principle, a diploma in hand and the flip of a... Continue Reading →

As They Leave the Nest

We have a swallow’s nest above our backyard garage door. Yes, a newbie homeowner mistake, for sure. We should have torn it down the second they started building! The droppings are horrible and having birds dive-bombing around our heads when we try to go out the back door makes us wish we had fought harder... Continue Reading →

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